Our Programs
At any given time, a family may find itself in a crisis situation, not have a support system and not know where to turn for help. We help unhoused families with minor children secure housing. We teach them the skills necessary to maintain housing in Orange County and become self-sufficient. We work to ensure that all children in our community have a stable environment in which to learn and grow.
Guided Assistance To Permanent Placement (GAPP) Housing Program
Our housing program, GAPP, offers vital financial assistance and support help house families with children experiencing homelessness. At the core of GAPP is comprehensive case management and support services, which are designed to address the underlying challenges that have contributed to a family's current circumstances. We collaborate closely with clients to identify and implement solutions, such as job development, counseling, budgeting, credit repair, and additional resources, empowering families to achieve long-term stability and success.
View the GAPP/HMIS Privacy Notice.
View the HMIS Grievance Form.
Want to learn more?
Who Qualifies?
Orange County families with minor children that lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Funding Guidelines for Orange County Families with Minor Children:
Imminently losing their primary nighttime residence or families being evicted from a private dwelling unit through court order or eviction notice.
Sharing housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons.
Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to a lack of alternative accommodations.
Living in emergency or transitional shelters.
Living in places not meant for human habitation.
Hear from the ones we serve.
Working alongside her case manager at SPIN allowed Pepper and her children find stable housing after more than a year of being homeless.
During the pandemic, the Asoau family found themselves living in a motel, concerned for their children’s safety. Today, they’re back in a safe home of their own.
Street Services Program
The Street Services Program was our first program initiated in 1987. Years later, Street Services continues to provide hundreds of meals each week and distributes hygiene kits, warm clothing, blankets, sleeping mats, referrals to shelter and other special requests to the homeless.
As from the very first, the Street Services program is supported by our dedicated volunteers who prepare and deliver meals to local shelters. Individual volunteers, corporations, and community groups conduct clothing drives, make or collect blankets, and collect hygiene items to be distributed at various locations.
Thank you SPIN for being a blessing to our family. We are very grateful to be in our own apartment and having a normal lifestyle again, after living in our car and facing an uncertain future. We appreciate the guidance from SPIN's case manager, the assistance from your career counselor, the workshops and of course, remembering our children's birthdays and our family at the holidays. We will never forget what SPIN was able to do for our family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The GAPP program has helped me achieve self sufficiency. I exited a shelter with a lot of knowledge and with no county assisted aid. GAPP has helped me stay off government assisted help and achieve longer term goals and gain permanent custody of my son which hadn’t been in my care for almost 4yrs. I have accomplished goals I didn’t think were possible. I have sustained a home for myself and my 2 children for almost a year now and have managed to keep my son in sports and spend quality time with my daughter. I have maintained a quality of life that is priceless in so many ways because of SPIN and the support my case manager have given me. Thank you!
I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to SPIN and everyone involved with the program. SPIN has truly been a life changing gift. When I first heard about the program it seemed too good to be true. Luckily for me and my son, all of it was true and more. The day that I was accepted into the program my life started on a fresh, positive path. It is amazing how in just two weeks time I had a place to call my own and food in my refrigerator and a fresh start with a lot of help to back me up. There really are no words to express the gratitude for all that SPIN has done and continues to do. I know that I have a chance to succeed that I might not have had otherwise. I am truly thankful everyday for what SPIN has done for me this past year. All I can say is thank you a million times over. I can only hope that one day I will be able to positively impact someone’s life the same way SPIN has impacted my life and my son’s life.
The GAPP program is a fantastic opportunity that has helped me to continue building a foundation and start the structure of my family’s future. It has helped me to provide a stable home for Christina where she's growing and flourishing. Christina and I had a very merry and blessed Christmas in part due to the wonderful contributions that we received. It enables me to have peace of mind so I can concentrate on finding ways that would further help our future. I'm so grateful for the help I'm receiving.